Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Kimmie Rhodes: Walls Fall Down

When a voice as clear and sweet as Kimmie Rhodes’ sings about the 'mean old world runs on .. sex & gasoline' or admonishes us all about 'Mother nature
doesn’t like it when ya tease her' it makes you wake up and take notice.

Now, I’m not usually a great listener to Country & Western although I do have an abiding love of roots and Americana, and Kimmie Rhodes usually falls into the C&W side of the equation – even if she is based in Austin Texas – but this album manages to grab my attention and listen throughout. And truth be told, she is one fine singer and the album is a cracker.

It does stray into oversweet territory occasionally; 'Beautiful’ is a little too cloying for my tastes but that is offset by 'Sex & Gasoline’ or I’ve Been Loved By You’ or the gorgeous 'All in all' and the overall impression is of a singer with a great voice, superb control and great songs. The version of 'Fool On The Hill’ here sounds fresh and original – no attempt to copy the psych effects that are usually used. The standout number has to be 'Your Majesty’, self-written by Rhodes but sounding and feeling like Neil Young and with a killer guitar line.The production is relaxed and clean and the playing throughout is excellent. There is none of the Dolly Parton-esque excess that C& W can be party to and it doesn’t stray towards the bluegrass and yee-hah school but it doesn’t have the edge that bands like OCMS or Hey Negrita bring to it either.

This should really be listened to wearing a fringed buckskin jacket and boots but the quality of the music transcends the corniness that could be slung at it and the end result is really fine.

The whole album could be found here.

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